October 22, 2009

What Have You Done Today?

A question which we couldn't answer easily if it comes from God's mouth. Apakah kita sudah melakukan sesuatu dengan hidup kita, bagi Dia, hari ini? Apakah kita sudah cukup setia hari ini? 

I have a tiny fish tank with 3 little fishes and a small Noah's ark statue inside of it. Everyday I watch them swimming arround the tank, eating the fish food I gave them, playing arround and sometime when I'm lucky I watch them pooping. They were created to do so. Every single creature has their own purposes in this world including me and you. Secara sadar ataupun tidak, ikan-ikan di rumahku ini do what they're doing everyday to glorify God. They do not swimming on the land, they don't fly (eventhough some fish could), and they're not talking like we did. They do what they created to be.

Sebagai manusia, untuk apakah kita diciptakan? To play arround in this world? To catch our wildest dreams? To eat whatever this world could over? What's our purpose to live? The Bible says 'To Give God Glory'. But how?

Setialah pada semua hal yang sudah Tuhan taruh dalam hidup kita hari ini. Orang tua, istri, saudara, anak, sahabat, pekerjaan, pelayanan.. Tuhan tidak memandang besar kecilnya pekerjaan kita, Tuhan melihat seberapa setia kita terhadapnya. Lakukanlah segala sesuatu seperti untuk Tuhan, bukan untuk manusia. Anda seorang penyapu jalan? Lakukan itu untuk Tuhan. Anda seorang petugas keamanan? Lakukanlah untuk Tuhan. Anda seorang pengusaha sukses? Lakukanlah untuk Tuhan. Always do our best at everything, we will receive our rewards at the end when we meet Him.



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